Waterworks and Wastewater Updates



City of Winona, Missouri, Updates on Drinking Water, Wastewater Projects, and Street Paving Grant Application


Winona, 2024/08/01 – The City of Winona is pleased to provide the community with updates on several important infrastructure projects, including the Drinking Water and Wastewater projects, as well as our efforts to secure grant funding for street paving improvements.


Drinking Water Project:

We are excited to announce that the contract signing for the Drinking Water Project is August 1, 2024. This date marks the official kickoff of the project, with ground-breaking expected within the next 2-3 weeks. This initiative is a significant step forward in enhancing our water infrastructure, ensuring a reliable and safe drinking water supply for all residents. We will continue to provide updates as the project progresses.


Wastewater Project:

The Wastewater Project is an essential effort to repair, replace, and install necessary infrastructure throughout Winona. This work is crucial for maintaining a functional and safe sewer system that serves every resident. The project requires the acquisition of easements to allow access for the necessary repairs and long-term maintenance of the sewer system.


The City is considering the use of eminent domain as a means to secure these easements. It is important to emphasize that there is no intention of taking private land ownership through this process. The purpose of acquiring easements via eminent domain is strictly to ensure access to the sewer system infrastructure, enabling the City to carry out essential upgrades and ongoing maintenance. This approach is being considered to protect public health and safety by facilitating critical improvements to our wastewater system.


A draft ordinance facilitating the potential use of eminent domain will be presented for consideration at the next Board meeting. We encourage all residents to participate in these discussions, provide feedback, and stay informed about these important developments.


Street Paving Grant Application:

The City of Winona has applied for approximately $1 million in grant funding to pave streets throughout town. This initiative aims to improve road conditions and enhance the overall quality of our town’s infrastructure. We anticipate learning whether our grant application is successful by late 2024. This potential funding represents a significant opportunity to upgrade our streets and improve transportation within Winona.


We are committed to transparency and community engagement as we move forward with these vital projects. For any inquiries or more information, please contact Mike Stallings, City Administrator, at 573-325-4410. We appreciate the community’s continued support and involvement as we work together to build a safer and more sustainable Winona.